Thursday, March 29, 2007

Just a quick post

Just a quick post to let you all know...

If you have taken a look at the comments on the last post you'd have noticed this:

Natalie said...
Thankss everyone!


4:13 PM

That message comes directly from Ms. Natalie herself!!

Keep up the excellent work, Nat, we all love you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New update + news article

I had the pleasure of visiting the Foulger family this past weekend. Although my visit was very brief I was absolutely amazed at the progress I noticed in Natalie. I can honestly say that Nat is starting to look and act like Nat again. The rate of her progress amazes everyone but this weekend really shocked me.

Natalie's comprehension levels have vastly improved thanks to the family as well as therapy staff at Saint Camillus. I was able to sit in a room with the family and have a conversation where Natalie was a contributer. I would ask Becca a question and Nat would chime in with "Why did you ask that" or something witty. She was also able to recall jokes she had heard days before without hesitation. This, of course, is a very big deal because she had been having such trouble with her short term memory. Her alertness was remarkable. The family would ask her to repeat long complex sentences which she was able to do with ease. This weekend really re-opened my eyes to Natalie's excellent progress.

Along with this wonderful news comes another article from Norah Machia of the Watertown Daily Times!

Thank you all for continuing to support Natalie and the family through the rehabilitation period!