While sitting in the sixth floor waiting room at SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital Jane Morton had an idea to post Natalie's progress on the web. I accepted the task knowing full well that it would help the Foulger's by limiting the amount of phone calls they would receive asking about Natalie. I will try my best to update this blog at least once a day and let you all know how Nat is doing. Also, please feel free to post your own comments to the blog.
Hi Michael after reading the blog we find ourselves a lot more informed.Our thoughts are with the Foulgers,and especially Natalie,to stay strong through this ordeal.She has a remarkable family and wonderful friends to support
her through her recovery.Keep up the good work on keeping us informed.Our loving thoughts are with you all.Love Mom and Dad.
hello!!we are very sorry to hear what has happened... We don't really know Natalie really well however we do want to tell her that we were there when it happened...and that tried to help in any why that we possible could and that we hope that she is getting well soon... we know that she will get better... we also want to let we know that everyone is praying for her. and that she will get better... also tell Natalie that Mr. Waz says hi... and that he hopes she will get better soon. again we are very sorry to hear what has happened...and i hope that what we did was somewhat of a contribution to her and her health... tell her we say hi and hope she gets better...
much love Kaitlyn Shean and Michelle Lewis class of 2007
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