Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday night update

I picked Rebecca up at Fort Lauderdale Airport this morning. She will be here until Tuesday when she will drive her car back to Syracuse.

Not much news to report tonight... Nat's heart rate is stable and her temperature is returning to normal. She has been moving around a lot and responding sporatically to verbal commands (thumbs up, two fingers, move your arm, etc.). This is obviously a good sign and means that she is getting ready to be moved from the hospital to a rehab center where she will undergo physical therapy.

Please let me know if you have any unanswered questions and I will do my best to post the answers.


Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you all...I know exactly what you are experiencing, my son at age 17 was in a car accident, suffered severe brain trauma and a lot of brain stem injuries which control everything...his accident was on a Sunday night, on Thursday we were told he would live but "probably would not walk, talk or remember any of us" well today, 18 years later, he is married, has 2 beautiful daughters, works a full time job....a miracle...yes indeed, lots of work involved....yes indeed, but you and your daughter, and your family can do it is not easy and some days you wonder how you will do it all....but stay strong and stay together and it will happen!! You are currently in a stage that can be very difficult...some days the Dr.'s want you to touch your loved ones and some days we couldn't because he would get too agitated and the swelling would increase as noted on the monitor...very hard for a parent to do...I know!!!! Will stay in touch, if we can do anything....PLEASE do not hesitate to let us know. Love and Prayers, the Manchester family

Kerri McKee said...

My thought and prayers are with you all. Mike, I have never met you, but I had the pleasure of teaching and coaching Becca at South Jeff. Becca, have a safe trip back to Syracuse. Please remember, I live in Syracuse, if there is anything I can do to assist any member of your family, let me know. I have plenty of room if the need is there.

Kerri McKee

Anonymous said...

Natalie is SOOOO lucky o have such a great family. Also, a great boyfriend, keep up hte great work Alexander. Nat needs you now, college will always be there. Thats awsome of you!!!! Wishing for a speedy recovery!!!! God bless you all!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think you are doing an awesome job with this Mike. Please once again let everyone know that I'm thinking of them. I don't get a chance to respond much to this, but I am checking it everyday! Good luck and stay strong!

Sara Bulger

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you Natalie and your family.

Anonymous said...

Mike, please pass onto Nat's family that I am a senior at SU, and have a house on Lancaster (nearby) with plenty of room if they ever need anything, I graduated with Nat and Al in 2004. Thanks for helping us all stay posted. _Brianna Widrick_

Anonymous said...

we are sending prayers to Natalie and all of you...keep the faith...stay strong...god bless all of you...
Pat, Madeline, Jeremy, Nick Felice