Monday, February 04, 2008


Thanks to the young doctor. It's comments like that that help me to keep going and getting better. Which hospital were you at? I was in school to be a PT and have even considered taking my MCATS to try med. school. In fact, I was planning on getting my bachelors, which I was only one semester away from (because I'm a dork and took college level classes in high school). I don't know if I could handle it now, so I'm just taking things one step at a time, which is hard for me to do. I'm enrolled in a Community college course now and hope to go back to school, at least part-time, in the fall. I'm sure there will be posts on how that all goes in the future. I have my family, awesome doctors and therapists, and my wonderful boyfriend to thank for how far I've come. I'm a strong-willed person, so I won't let this slow me down! Yes, school will be harder for me, but everything that's happened makes me want to be a part of the medical community even more, even if I am in school for twenty more years. I may have missed two years of school, but I will become involved in the medical community somehow, and a brain injury won't stop me from that! If anything, it makes me want to help other people that have gone through something like this even more.



Anonymous said...

You are so much stronger than anyone I know. Nothing will ever stop you. The entire north country prays and supports you everyday.

Tell us did Becca run with Goofy or Donald Duck??

Lots of Love,
Michele Craig Em Jake and Joey

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Nat! You are a true, one of kind gal!!! What a spirit... Hey, any thought of writing your experience in a book or something??? It sure would be a phenominal seller.... Think about it; this is certainly a cinderella story!!!

Best of luck to you, my lady... You are a superstar!

Anonymous said...


Thanks to you all for all your support. I have a couple of pairs of old glasses that I just found at my parents house. I can bring them by the Vision Center sometime and you can either reuse them for someone w/ new lenses or just put em in the parts drawer. I also would like to ORDER AND PAY FOR a pair of prescription sunglasses, so I'll be in sometime when I'm in town to drop the glasses off and pick out new frames to have made into sunglasses. tHANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR AND YOUR WHOLE FAMILY'S AND WORK'S SUPPORT. Love to you all!


Anonymous said...

Whoever wrote to me anonymously,

I have thought about writing a book or pamphlet for doctors to keep in their waiting rooms. I would write all about my point of view on things, then my sister would write about going through it with a family member. Maybe I could now have Colleen write in it too.
