Monday, November 20, 2006

Great week!

Natalie has made some excellent progress in the past week. These improvements include eating better portions of food - she will now request food (Wendy's frosty, cinnamon buns, etc.) that she can eat with assistance. She has also been talking a lot more. Recently Natalie has been able to compose more complex sentences, for instance she is now able to say a name (or direct her voice) and then ask a question or tell a joke. Natalie seems more comfortable this week than any previous week. She is able to tell us when she is hurting and what is bothering her and sometimes can remedy the problem herself. She will even ask us to be quiet or stop talking when she needs some time to herself!

Natalie has spent most of her days this week in her wheelchair instead of in bed. When she is in her wheelchair the family includes her in games or tells stories with her. Her speech is becoming increasingly coherent as she speaks louder and is more consistent with her thoughts.

She has been doing very well with her therapies and is making excellent progress from the last time I saw her, two weeks ago.

Natalie still needs to focus her energy on her therapies as she is always exhausted at night. Because of this the family still asks that visitors are strictly limited to close family friends and relatives. Please do not show up without calling the family first. I will let you all know once Natalie is able to have more visitors! Otherwise keep the prayers coming and thank you all for reading the blog!

On a sidenote - The format of the blog will be a bit different. Because Natalie's stay at Sunnyview is somewhat of a 'rollercoaster' I will be doing weekly updates on her status. If something extremely important happens, I will surely break the format. Otherwise, join us next week for more miracles!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the amazing progress Nat!

Anonymous said...

Nat you are absolutely amazing!! You are an inspiration. I am thinking about all of you every day! Becca and Mike...I miss you both so much!!!


Anonymous said...

Your progress is truely amazing. Keep up the hard work. Continue to answer all our prayers. God bless everyone.

Anonymous said...

Everyone at Wiley School sends their love and support to you Natalie, and to your family!

We're behind you all the way as you continue to live a miracle.

Anonymous said...

Marc and family,

So glad to hear of Natalie's amazing progress - I check this blog frequently; please know you all are in my thoughts and prayers.


Kerri McKee said...

Thanksgiving will be an especially thankful time for you all. May the positive energy and steady improvements continue for Natalie and family.

Anonymous said...

Natalie, I am so glad to hear you are doing better and making progress. You are a determined young lady. I still remember how much fun we had in TAG when you were in 4th grade. Keep working hard and remember--Don't worry about tomorrow, God is already there. I know He is helping you through this.

Anonymous said...

Great job Natalie!!! You and your family are fantastic. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!! We will all say a special prayer for you this year.
The Rhode family

Anonymous said...

Great Blog. I can't believe how far Natalie has come. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

You are truely a miracle. Your progress has continued to amaze ALL of us! Keep strong and keep up the good work! Love and miss ya


Anonymous said...


Your progress has been amazing and will continue to.

You have come so far. Struggles and set backs are rough howver, with the help from above, family, friends, and others you and your family will get through this.

God Bless

Have An Amazing Thanksgiving.

Good JOb

Keep Up The Awesome Work.

Kelly K

Class of '04

Anonymous said...


i am so happy to hear how well you are doing---keep it girl! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!

chelsey miller

Anonymous said...

love,Tammie,Mark,Scott And Erik

Anonymous said...

This Thanksgiving we are thankful for YOU!!

Love and hugs to you and all your family.
Love, Mr. and Mrs. Wright

Anonymous said...

Marc,Tina,Rebecca,Kyle,Nat,Al and Mike: You are all in our thoughts and prayers this Thanksgiving Day. How lucky are we to know such a wonderful family. Your strength and determination as a family is overwhelming. Your continued progress is uplifting Natalie and I commend you on your spirit. Here's to you and with hopes that next Thanksgiving you will be cooking your mom and dad a meal. Love to you all. Karen Peebles and family

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanskgiving Foulger Family....Love you and miss you tons Nat

The Holman Family

Anonymous said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING Foulgers, Aunt Ann and Al. Miss you all.

Vision Center

Anonymous said...

A further request:
As requested before: Please do not just show up at sunnyview. Natalie needs to concentrate on her therapies and rest. It makes it difficult on the family to have to turn people away, but this will have to be done on Natalie's behalf.
Thanks for the continued support.
Gratefully yours
(concerned Mum)

Anonymous said...

im glad u are eating better that is good