Monday, January 22, 2007

A brief update

First, let me apologize for the lack of updates. I will do my best to post at least once a week.

Second, this will be a brief post as I will be visiting Natalie this weekend and can then leave a detailed account of her progress.

Natalie's progress has slowed a bit from the past few weaks due to a stomach virus that prevented her body from receiving any nutrition. She is now over the virus and is able to continue to move forward with her rehab. Therapists have been working hard with Natalie mainly concentrating on her posture and balance. The family is now able to take her away from the hospital more frequently. Recently they took a lunch trip to Panera and today they visited the apartment for some food and games.

I will be visiting the family this weekend for a few days and should be back by Monday to update the blog. I will try to be as detailed as possible because I'm sure this post does not answer all of your questions. Please feel free to leave questions in the comments section and I will do my best to answer them next Monday when I update the blog.


Kerri McKee said...

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend together. My best to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update....looking forward to the details of your weekend visit.

Anonymous said...

happy to hear all is well. hope you have a good weekend together. did the doctors give any idea how long nat had to stay at the rehab center? will she need therapy for a while when she returns to watertown?

keeping you all in my thoughts!

chelsey miller

Anonymous said...

Hi Nat ,
Glad to hear you're feeling better
and getting out and about alittle more. That's great news!
We miss you so much!
Say hi to everyone there.
Love you,
Mr. and Mrs. Wright

Anonymous said...

Nat you are doing so well! keep up the good work and hopefully we'll hear what you've been up to this weekend as soon as poss!
can't believe how far you've come!
Love Carey (England)

Anonymous said...

your doing awesome.!!!!

keep going.

you will soon be completely out and continue with your studies.

best of luck

class of '04

kelly koenig

Anonymous said...

Wondering when it would be ok for a couple of us from the team would be able to road trip out to visit? We miss you Nat.

- Shannon

Anonymous said...

This was the first time I visited the site. I am a nurse on 7a at University Hosp. that took care of Nat. her last two weeks she was with us and I am thrilled she is doing so well. Though I am not surprised. She is a strong young lady and has a very supportive and loving family and she will make it through this 110% and I hope you will bring her to visit us- walking down the hall on her own. I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR SHE IS PROGRESSING SO WELL. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK NAT.!