Monday, September 04, 2006

The Family

Some of you have asked about Nat's family as well.

Marc and Tina are currently at the hospital with Rebecca, Kyle, and Nat's boyfriend Al - and a myriad of visitors. They have been taking turns staying overnight in the sixth floor ICU waiting room or at the Sheraton Hotel on Syracuse's campus. The only times Nat is ever without visitors is at night - the nurses had decided it would be better if we gave her quiet time to rest - and also to help Natalie differentiate as best as she can between the times of day.

There have been several visitors, each bringing their own gifts (foods, games, even an air mattress which Tina uses nightly!) and helping however they can. The amount of love the Foulger's have been shown is tremendous and it touches me to know that they have so much great support.

I flew with Rebecca to Syracuse once we heard about Nat's accident and stayed there for about two weeks. I am now in Florida and am writing all updates upon talking with the family, primarily Becca.

Aunt Ann had just arrived around 10PM today, September 4, and immediately went into Nat's room to check on her condition.

I haven't talked to Becs much today because I want her to have time to catch her Aunt up with everything thats been happening but if there are any updates, I will do my best to post them as soon as possible.

I appreciate all the comments you're all leaving, please feel free to let me know if there is anything you think I should include on the blog. Thanks all!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,
It's Carey here - Miles' stepdaughter - we came to visit you all at Watertown 2 sumnmers ago and had such an amazing time getting to know everyone and Nat kindly let Liz and I stay in her room with her.
I just want her to know I am thinking about her everyday and all of you guys - you're doing such a great job staying positive and being there for her as much as physically possible.
She seems to be doing really well from what you've said - thanks for posting the blogs everyday it's a great help.
Thinking about you all and I'm wishing Nat a speedy recovery.
Love Carey xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mike.

It's Frank, an old friend of Marc's. Thank you for taking the time to update us. Just wanted to let you know that Lillian and I continue to think about your family situation a lot. Our thoughts and prayers are with Natalie often. We are so happy that she is continuing to improve. As a fellow runner, her awful accident hit very close to home. Hang in there, guys!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for keeping us all updated with Nat's progress. It's better to hear how she is doing from someone who has direct access to reports than through the grapevine of people... I know we are all keeping Natalie in our thoughts and prayers every day.
Love, Courtney Belloff

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for keeping this blog. Everyday since the accident I have wondered how Natalie was doing, but since I didn't want to bother her family when they have so much to worry about, I had no reliable source to ask. I am so happy to see Natalie is improving...she's a fighter! Please let her know that everyone back home is pulling for her.
Susan Belloff

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

Thank you for posting information about Natalie's progress and condition. As one of Natalie's class advisors at South Jefferson, I have had several classmates ask about her condition and have not been very informative but thanks to your website we will be able to keep all of her fellow classmates up to date.

Keeping Natalie and her family in my thoughts and prayers.

Please let them know that if there is anything that her fellow classmates can do we would be more than willing to organize it.

Thank You
Mrs. Strough

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike this is Kaela. I was just wondering if you could tell everyone I love them very much and have been keeping Natalie in my prayers and in my heart! I have limited connections with them inside the hospital but I would like them to know if they need anything at all they can call me since im only 20 mins away! Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Marc & Family, My prayers are with Natalie and you all during this recovery. It appears she has a tremendous support system, so she will be fine. Please accept my apology for being so long contacting you. Dave